MyUsage Prepay takes the guesswork out of the utility bill and helps consumers budget their daily usage. Whether they have electric, water, gas, or all-of-the-above, consumers are in control. They pay for service prior to delivery, and as they use their utilities their credit balance is reduced daily. When their balance gets low, MyUsage alerts them with a personalized message and provides them with convenient options to pay for additional service.
Seamless, convenient payment options are key to successfully implementing a prepay program. MyUsage Payments offers customers fast and easy ways to pay as frequently and as much as they want. With MyUsage, it takes seconds to pay through a smart phone app, the Internet, over the phone or while visiting one of over 500,000 retail locations worldwide. Whether paying by cash, credit card or gift card, your customers can pay on the schedule and within the budget that best fits their lifestyle.
Helping customers manage and pay their energy bill is good business for the utility. MyUsage Assist helps utilities and consumers avoid bad debt. With MyUsage Assist, customers in arrears can apply a percentage of each payment to their outstanding balances and pay off large debts over time. No more deposits. No more late fees. No more debt owed. With MyUsage, customers are in control and highly satisfied.
Knowledge is power. MyUsage transforms utility AMI data into easy-to-use knowledge for consumers. MyUsage Monitoring enables pre and postpay consumers to understand how their behavior affects daily usage and puts the power of knowledge at their fingertips so that they can make more informed decisions.
Each utility is unique.
MyUsage is great because of the people that I have worked with and how open they are to the changes and customizations in our product and what we needed to accomplish. They saw us as special in our own way and they addressed us that way. We were not just another cookie cutter company.
Prepay is a smarter way to pay.
We consider prepaid to be a win-win-win. It’s a win for the utility; the customers are no longer a financial risk. It’s a win for the customers enrolled in the program that the power is in their hands. And it’s a win for our other customers that are not enrolled in the program, because it stabilizes rates.
Relationships matter.
We find that the customers struggling to pay their utility bills are struggling because the bill came as a surprise at the end of the month. With MyUsage, every day the customers are aware of their energy usage, consumption and cost, so it helps them to balance the money budgeted for utility services.
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